Strategies to reduce occupational skin conditions on the hands of nursing staff.




Hand eczema , Hand washing, Nursing


The skin conditions of the hands are among the most significant problems faced by the nursing staff due to their continuous exposure to triggering factors, thus affecting the quality of the care process. The objective of this research was to promote strategies that reduce occupational skin conditions in the hands of nursing staff. A quantitative, observational, descriptive, non-experimental study was carried out based on data collection through a validated instrument and reviewed by experts in health and scientific research and the application of statistical processes. The population was constituted of 80 nursing professionals belonging to public and private health establishments in the city of Ambato. The results obtained were that 100% have had skin conditions on their hands where the most affected were within the range of 11 to 15 years of professional life. The prevalent risk factors were: exposure to humidity, use of antiseptic solutions, and hand washing more than 16 times (63.7%) during the working day. 70% reported not having an allergy to latex, and 30%
only when their use was prolonged. The main signs and symptoms were erythema, itching, and burning. It was evident that within the health establishments, there are no prevention strategies for these conditions, which is why the creation and implementation were unanimously supported, thus determining the importance of this research.


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