Psychosocial risks and labor stress in workers of the petroleum derivatives company of energy gas - Ecuador


  • Guido Germán Albán Pérez
  • Silvio Roberto Fonseca Bautista
  • Alvaro Francisco Raza Caicedo
  • José Luis Vallejo Ayala



Psychosocial risk factors, workplace stres, service stations workers


This research evaluated the presence, frequency, and intensity of psychosocial risk factors in relation to work stress on workers of Petroleum Derivatives Service Stations (PDSS) in the Energy Gas Company. The aim was to evaluate the relationship between Psychosocial Risk Factors and Work Stress in a population of 180 workers who perform different tasks in service stations. It was applied the Sociodemographic Survey and the Stress Evaluation-Third Version Questionnaire of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Bogotá; and, the instrument of Psychosocial Factors at Work 20041 (Adapted). Among the results, psychosocial factors at work were presented with a high level in the PDSS: Work demands (89.0%): Workplace conditions (74.4%); Labor role - Career Development (72.9%); and, Content - Career Characteristics (70.5%). For work stress it was observed that physiological symptoms are at a high level (51.4%) and intellect labor symptoms (45.7%); concluding that psychosocial factors directly affect the appearance of Work Stress on the PDSS workers.

Author Biographies

  • Silvio Roberto Fonseca Bautista

    Magister en Intervención en la Ansiedad y el Estrés " UCM Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España; Magister en Neuropsicología Cognitiva " UCM Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España; Doctor en Psicología Clínica " UCE Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador. Docente Tiempo Completo Universidad Central del Ecuador. 

  • Alvaro Francisco Raza Caicedo

    Magister en Recursos Humanos " ESPE Escuela Politécnica del Ejército; Doctor en Psicología Clínica " UCE Universidad Central del Ecuador; Diploma Superior en Gestión y Evaluación de Proyectos " IAEN Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales.  Docente Tiempo Completo Universidad Central del Ecuador 

  • José Luis Vallejo Ayala

    PhD en economía por la Univesité de Versailles St Quentin en Yvelines-Francia. Magister en economía de desarrollo y medioambiente por la Université de Versailles St Quentin en Yvelines-Francia. Ingeniero Bursátil por la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Docente titular de la Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi.

