Ecuador and bilingualism a "mirage or reality?" a critical look at english as a foreing language


  • Halim Austin Obiajulu Joe UPEC


Palabras clave:

Private speech, Paradigm of complexity , Second language acquisition, Zone of Proximal Development.


A critical review  of  government  program  on  amplifying  knowledge   acquisition and  professionalism in  Ecuador  to meet international  standard and challenges.  Based on  this  policy program, english language  is  required  in every facet of education.  Since  inception,  this  cyclopean  task has  received  accolade  on the other hand a  perverted  criticism  equally  with  an iffy  of   excuses probably a  consequence  on how the  herculean  curriculum  is  being managed mainly  due to quality and caliber  of   apostles  of  this project.  Before  now however,  this program  was an absolute  sham due to quack until  government  demonstrated  unimaginable  concern  and  decision  to purge the program and  rejuvenate    teaching  and learning of english proposed  and  execute  capacitating programs  as  well  as  seasonal evaluation of  teachers , teaching  tools,  strategies  and approaches that  gave a   face-lift  to the program  and it`s  administration.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Halim Austin Obiajulu Joe, UPEC

    Is a graduate of Economics fron the prestigous University of Lagos Nigeria, hold an advance level certificate and a masters degree in quality education management from the North Technical University (UTN) Ibarra (Final year student). A researsh analyst in political economics, and scientific articles. Versatile in international political economy. Co-authored book in management of quality education Presenty, an erudite lecturer in the state polytechnic University of Carchi (UPEC) Tulcán.



Cómo citar

Ecuador and bilingualism a "mirage or reality?" a critical look at english as a foreing language. (2018). SATHIRI, 12(2), 182-202.