Reading comprehensión among college students



Palabras clave:

Literal, inferential, critical-evaluative, reading strategies, understand, reading comprehension.


The understanding of a text should be interpreted at different levels: literal, inferential and critical-evaluative. A literal level is to understand everything that the author explicitly com- municates through a text; understanding a text at an inferential level means to interpret everything that the author wants to communicate, but that sometimes he does not explicitly say or write; understanding a text at a critical- evaluative level means to value, project and judge both the content of what one author states in his writing as well as the inferences or relationships that can be established from what appears in the text produced by an author. Some researches consider that college student graduates are not necessarily good readers even though they read advanced academic material, for this reason they do not always com- prehend the information. Many strategies have been proposed to be developed both in class and at home, to improve reading comprehension. Instructors can improve comprehension through non-reading related information such as background knowledge or experiences, ho- mework and class work, and learning aides. Instructors can also teach students how to use other strategies including the SQ3R method, peer teaching, encoding, and reading flexibility.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Edison Boanerges Peñafiel Arcos, Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi

    Magister en Educación y Desarrollo Social, Ingeniero de Empresas, Licenciado en Administración de Empresas Pri- vadas, Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación Especialidad Inglés. Actualmente está cursando la Maestría en Lingͼística Aplicada a la Enseñanza del idioma Inglés en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Obtuvo el First Certifícate in English Council of Europe Level B2 por la Universidad de Cambridge. Autor de los textos: "Interactive Working Techni- ques in an EFL Class", "Reading Strategies for College Stu- dents and Skilled Readers". Ha laborado en Arthur Andersen & Co., Consultora Industrial, Productos el Chinito Cía. Ltda., Fundación Sara Espíndola, C.C. Jardín del Norte, Coopera- tiva de Ahorro y Crédito Tulcán. Docente en el Colegio Fis- comisional San Antonio de Padua, Director de la Academia American Language Center, Docente de la Universidad Tec- nológica América " UNITA, Docente Titular Agregado en la Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi desde 2009.






Cómo citar

Reading comprehensión among college students. (2018). SATHIRI, 6, 218-233.