About the Journal

Sathiri: Sembrador Journal

The Sathiri: Sembrador Journal is an academic, peer-reviewed and indexed journal, published semi-annually and multidisciplinary. This journal is administered by the Center for Research and Technology Transfer (CITT) of the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi (UPEC).

Sathiri aims to disseminate the results of research from the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi, as well as other national and international universities. The UPEC research areas are: Foreign Trade, Customs and Logistics; Commercial Negotiation and Marketing; Business Development and Innovation; Promotion and Development of the Tourist Heritage; Development of Agricultural and Agro-industrial Production; Management and Conservation of Natural Resources; Integral Health; Education; Border Problems. In addition, it is Multidisciplinary and implies all results and advancement of human knowledge. This publication is aimed at an audience in specialized and semi-specialized academic training.

 E-ISSN online 2631 - 2905 / ISSN printed: 1390 – 6925

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32645/issn.1390-6925  
Permanent link: https://revistasdigitales.upec.edu.ec/index.php/sathiri

The journal Sathiri is indexed in: Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas (MIAR); Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB); Latindex 2.0 (Directory - Catálago); in addition, it is affiliated; AURA (AmeliCA).


The Sathiri: Sembrador Journal is an initiative of the Center for Research, Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship (CITTE) that, given the need to position and comply with institutional evaluation indicators, makes the call for the application of articles internally and externally in 2011. In October of the same year, its first edition was published with 9 articles distributed in the sections of administration, economy, finance and commerce; basic and technological sciences; ecology, agriculture and agribusiness. Since then, the journal has not lost its periodicity every six months, publishing an average of 17 to 20 articles.

This publication submitted its application to Latindex, being accepted for compliance with the requested standards. Subsequently, the incorporation of DOI (Digital Object Identification) codes to the name of the Journal and to all the articles that comprise it is annexed to its strengthening; obtaining at the same time the respective permits from CROSSREF. In the same way, its name is registered and protected in the Instituto Ecuatoriano de Propiedad Intelectual under Resolution IEPI_2017_RS_4308.

Approach and Scope

Disseminate the research results of the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi, as well as other national and international universities. In addition, it is multidisciplinary and implies all results and advancement of human knowledge.

This publication is aimed at an audience in specialized and semi-specialized academic training. The UPEC research areas are: Foreign Trade, Customs and Logistics; Commercial Negotiation and Marketing; Business Development and Innovation; Promotion and Development of the Tourist Heritage; Development of Agricultural and Agro-industrial Production; Management and Conservation of Natural Resources; Integral Health; Education; Border Problems.  In addition, it is multidisciplinary and implies all results and advancement of human knowledge.


Sathiri: Sembrador is a multidisciplinary academic journal and implies all results and advancement of human knowledge. It is divided into sections distributed based on the areas of knowledge declared by ISCED-UNESCO, and they are: social and economic sciences; state, government and public administration; education and humanities; natural sciences, ecology, agriculture and tourism; information, communication and engineering.


Sathiri: Sembrador is published in an online version (E-ISSN: 2631 - 2905) and in a printed version (ISSN: 1390 – 6925).

For its publication, it uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform developed by Public Knowledge Project (PKP). And also the receipt of articles through the mail publicaciones@upec.edu.ec  o publicacionesupec@gmail.com through which the process of validation and communication with authors is carried out in its different stages: antiplagiarism, technical phase, style, writing, orthography and language.

The publishing institution and responsible for Sathiri: Sembrador is the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi (Ecuador), through the Publications Commission and the Center for Research and Technology Transfer.  

The costs of publishing processes and procedures are borne by the publisher. Authors must not make any payment.

Periodicity and Processing

The publication of each volumen is made every six months (January – June); (July – December).

The reception of works is under the following calendar:

  • For the January - June issue, work is received until the end of October.
  • For the July - December issue, works are received until the end of April.

The received works are submitted to the following validation processes, with the respective deadlines:

  • Postulation.
  • Anti-bug software (Turnitin): up to 1 week after receipt.
  • Review by (2) technical validators: up to 3 weeks after the antiplagium report (Turnitin).
  • Corrections by author: up to 2 weeks after notification of validation results.
  • Style and spelling checker: up to 2 weeks after author corrections.
  • Approval Editorial Board and Higher University Council: up to one month before publishing the issue.
  • Diagramming: up to 3 weeks before publishing the number.
  • Publication: approximately 7 to 3 months after application.

There is no limitation as to the number of articles published by volume and will correspond to the editorial flow of the journal.


The publication can include Works in Spanish and English.

Funding Sources

Sathiri: Sembrador Journal has the support of the authorities of the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi and the Centro de Investigación y Transferencia Tecnológica.