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Author Guidelines


Papers sent to the SATHIRI Journal of the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi (UPEC) must be prepared and presented under the following regulations:

  • 1. Research professionals who belong to the UPEC or any national and international university, as well as people linked to research and culture may present their work as a result of research results or advances, scientific, reflective and speculative articles, state of the art; under the responsibility of their authors.

1.2. The works to be presented must be original and unpublished, for which the author will submit the writings electronically to the mail, attaching an official letter addressed to the Publications Commission in which he expresses the will to submit the work for review. The author must include the following paragraph in it: “This work is unpublished and original, it has not been published in any other written or electronic medium; In addition, before knowing the decision of the journal, it will not be presented to another medium”. The document will be valid with the signature of responsibility of the author or authors.

1.3. The presentation of the works to the SATHIRI journal are the exclusive responsibility of the author, so it is inferred that they are not the opinion of the UPEC or the editor of the journal.

1.4. The presentation of the writings will be made under the following requirements:

  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Letter Size: 12 points
  • Line spacing: 1.15
  • Margins: Top 2.5 cm, Bottom 2.5 cm, Left 3cm, Right 2.5 cm.

1.5. The maximum limit for writing the cataloged works will not exceed 25 pages, indicated in the Word counter.

1.6. The Editorial Board of the SATHIRI journal and the UPEC Publications Commission set the maximum times for submitting articles for each biannual publication:

  • January-July: until the end of April
  • July – December: until the end of August

The call will be visible on the OJS website of the Journal, which can be found on the University website in the Digital Magazines section, without excepting making invitations through physical and electronic means.

  1. Structure of the works

Writings submitted to SATHIRI journal must have the following structure:

2.1. Informative data

  • Research title: it must be in Spanish and English and not exceed 20 words, being optional to include a subtitle to the written work.
  • Presentation date (year, month and day)
  • Author or authors (full names and surnames)
  • ORCID code.
  • Last degree obtained (PhD, Magister, Engineer, Graduate ...)
  • Full name of the institution and country to which it belongs
  • Email
  • Cell phone / landline contact

2.2. Executive Summary

It is recommended to write it once the final research report is completed, in it a clear and concise synthesis of the results and relevant aspects of the research will be made. Jane Rusell explains “that an abstract is the abbreviated and correct representation of the content of a document, preferably prepared by the author to be published together with the document” (1985, p. 4).

The abstract should arouse the interest of the reader and help them to have more elements to be interested in the article. It is suggested to follow the following recommendations:

  • Maximum length of 250 words
  • It will be written in a single paragraph and in italics
  • Information should not be included that is not described in the article.
  • It must present the focus and objective of the work
  • Contain a brief description of the methodology, summary of results and main conclusions.
  • References not included
  • It must be written in the past

2.3. Key words:

Three to five words will be used to represent the main descriptors of the article.

2.4. Abstract

It is the technical translation of the executive summary into the English language; as well as the keywords that will become keywords.

2.5. Introduction:

You must answer the question why was this work done? It allows describing the interest, importance and purpose of the research in the scientific context of the moment, motivating the reader to read all the work. It is suggested to be guided by the following recommendations:

  • Write what motivated you to do this research?
  • Background: what is known, what is believed about the problem?
  • Explain the unresolved question or problem
  • Describe why the study was done and justify it with your own reasons
  • It is recommended that at the end of the introduction you end with the presentation of the hypothesis or objectives.

2.6. Materials and Methods:

This section should answer the question: how was it done? It is suggested to give details of the steps that were followed and materials used to obtain the results of the investigation. The methodology must be reproducible, hence the importance of the clarity with which it is exposed.

For its writing the following elements can be used as guide:

  • Describe the type of research (descriptive, experimental, quasi-experimental, case study, basic, applied, technological, etc.), if an experiment is carried out, it is necessary to describe its design (random, controlled, cases and controls, clinical trial, prospective, etc.)
  • Write the population or universe on which the study was carried out, describing the sample frame, selection criteria and the way in which it was carried out (you can incorporate a formula).
  • Indicate where the study was done; that is, the environment of action.
  • Describe the research methods, techniques and instruments used, indicating where and when they were applied.
  • The statistical methods used and the way in which the data was analyzed (descriptive, analytical, variability measures, etc.) can be indicated.
  • If necessary, you can indicate what materials, supplies, devices and technologies were used.

2.7. Results and discussion:

This section introduces the new knowledge that was found as a result of the investigation, only the most transcendent. It includes tables and figures that should be able to clearly express the results of the study. Remember to cite the tables and figures in the text of the article, commenting on the most relevant data and avoiding unnecessary and repetitive information.

It must be decided how to present the results by choosing tables and / or figures or text. “The table will be used when the precision of the data is important and the graph when the data shows a defined trend or allows to highlight a difference” (Ferriols, 2005).

At the same time, the discussion of the same is incorporated where the data is interpreted in relation to the original objectives and hypotheses. The following considerations can be used:

  • Compare your own conclusions with those of other authors.
  • Identify methodological errors
  • Do not repeat the presentation of results more generally.
  • Write this section in the present tense because the results of the work are already considered evidence.
  • Identify perspectives; that is, future research needs.
  • Examine and formulate with logic and imagination the most general aspects of the conclusions, in order to arouse the interest of readers.
  • "Be careful that the excess of words is not hiding results or conclusions that cause a poor discussion" (Villagran y Harris, 2009, p.75)

2.8. Conclusions:

The most relevant conclusions should be placed, the same ones that must be justified by the data presented and that are directly related to the results and discussion.

If there are recommendations and they are appropriate, it is necessary to place them.

2.9. Bibliographic References:

The reference of the works cited in the text must be included, only those that have been used under the APA modality: the references or bibliography will be located in alphabetical form and with French indentation. Here are some formats extracted from the APA Publications Manual (2010) third edition in Spanish-OCR (pp. 198-215):

2.9.1. For a complete book: the following reference formats can be used:

Author, A.A. (year of publication). Work title. Edition. Place: editorial.

Author, A.A (year of publication). Work title. Recovered from http://www.xxxxxx

Author, A.A. (year of publication). Work title. Doi: xxxxxxx

Editor, A.A. (Ed.). (Year of publication). Work title. Place: Editorial

2.9.2. For a book chapter or reference book entry use the following formats:

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (year of publication). Chapter or entry title. En A. Editor, B. Editor & C. Editor (Eds.), Work title (PP. Xxxx – xxxx). Place: Editorial.

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (year of publication). Chapter or entry title. En A. Editor, B. Editor & C. Editor (Eds.), Work title (PP. Xxxx – xxxx). Recovered from http://www.xxxx

Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (year of publication). Chapter or entry title. En A. Editor, B. Editor & C. Editor (Eds.), Work title (PP. Xxxx – xxxx).doi: xxxxx

If there is no page number, the chapter or title of the entry is sufficient.

2.9.3. For a query job entry without authorship: the following formats can be used:

Entry title. (year of publication). En A. Editor (ed.), Consultation job title. (xx ed.,Vol.xx, editorial.

Entry title. (year of publication). Consultation job title (xx ed.,Vol. Xx).Recovered from http://www.xxxxx

  • When the author and publisher are the same, the word Author is used as the publisher's name.
  • Include information about editions, number of volumes, and page numbers in parentheses.

2.9.4. Research and technical reports:

They are made in the same way as a book.

Author, A.A. (year of publication). Title of the work (Report nº xxx). Place: editorial

Name of the organism. (year of publication). Work title. (Publication No. xxx). Recovered from http://wwww.xxxx

2.9.5. Proceedings of congresses and symposia:

Collaborator, A.A., Collaborator, B.B., Collaborator C.C., & Collaborator D.D., (month, year). Collaboration title. En E.E. President (Presidency), Symposium Title, Symposium held at the Organization Name Conference, Venue.

2.9.6. Presentation of a work or poster session:

Speaker, A.A. (month, year). Job title or poster. Work or poster session presented at the Organization Name, Venue conference.

2.9.7. Minutes published

Author, A.A. & Author, B.B. (año de publicación). Collaboration title. En E.E. xxx(Eds.), Congress name: Vol. Xxx. ( Place: Organization.

2.10. Figures and Tables:

Any form of presentation in the work will have to be called Table or Figure.

According to the APA standards, "generally the tables show exact numerical values and the data is arranged in an organized way in lines and columns, facilitating their comparison" (APA, 2001, P.133). Figures are “any type of illustration that is not a table. A figure can be a painting, a graph, a photograph, a drawing or another form of representation" (APA, 2001, P.149).


They must be designed using only horizontal lines, the table number will be placed in the upper left margin and the next line will be placed with the title that must be brief, clear and corresponding explanatory, example:

Table 1

Name of the table


"A good figure enriches the text instead of duplicating it, communicates only essential facts, omits visual distractions, is easy to read, is easy to understand since everything was planned and prepared in a careful way" (APA, 2010, p. 155).

Figure title:

For the title of the figure, proceed as follows:

Place it at the bottom left, the word figure (with the initial in capital letter) and accompanied by the number with which it designates using Arabic numbers sequentially within the text and in its entirety; then the title of it will be placed concisely, but discursively, example:

Figure 1. Name of the figure

It is recommended to take into account the following aspects:

  • In case it is a short, informative or opinion article, the use of tables or figures could vary and respect their presence in it.
  • Tables and figures may be included in black and white or in color with a resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch). It is suggested to include a separate folder with the original files of figures and tables.
  • The size of the figures and tables may be modified at the time of the layout of the journal without the authorization of the author being required.
  • If the figure or table is of own authorship, it is not necessary to place the author, otherwise it will be placed at the bottom of each one, with letter number 9, the source and the author.


3.1 Reception of writings:

  • Every article that has been received by the Publications Commission by the indicated means will enter the respective database for its respective coding.
  • The writing will be sent to the anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin), with whose report the relevance or not of the work presented can be supported. A similarity no greater than 12% will be accepted. In the case of high percentages, this information will be sent to the author for review, justification and discharge of the similarity found.

3.2 Validation of writings:

  • Every article that passes this first review will be sent to a technical validator external that is registered in the journal's database, related to the area of knowledge, the same one who will carry out the technical review under the double-blind modality and accompanied by a technical sheet designed by the Publications Commission. The review period will not exceed 30 business days.
  • The validator will deliver the technical sheet accompanied by a document of observations (optional), this document must have the respective signature and based on the qualification obtained it may contain one of the following results:
  1. a) Publishable. (Score from 8.5 to 10) In this case, the author will be informed of this decision and the relevant legalization documentation will be requested.
  2. b) Publishable after fixing the modifications indicated. (Score from 7.5 to 8.49) The observations will be sent to the author so that he can make the modifications or justifications of the case and deliver it as soon as possible to the UPEC Publications Commission.
  3. c) Publishable with a new valuation. (Score from 6.5 to 7.49) It will proceed as in the previous literal but the letter must again be sent to the validator for a new evaluation.
  4. d) Not publishable. (Score less than 6.5) In this case, the UPEC Publications Commission will return the author the writing with an official letter specifying the observations of the validator and the decision taken by the SATHIRI Journal.
  • The results of the technical validation are sent to the author or authors of the writing so that they can be analyzed and can make disclaimers, objections or the respective corrections, within a period of no more than 15 working days.
  • The approved documents will be sent to CIDEN for review of the aspects in English. The author may skip this step as long as he presents a certification with the signature and seal of a professional in the English area.
  • The final writing will be sent to the Style and Spelling checker, who will give the necessary suggestions on the syntactic, grammatical and morphological aspects. And if necessary, it will be sent immediately to the author of the work.
  • The decision to approve the article does not mean its publication, since the editorial or thematic line arranged by the Editor, the Publications Commission or the UPEC Authorities will be taken into account.

3.3 Publication of writings

Through ordinary or extraordinary session, the UPEC Publications Commission together with the Editor of the journal will proceed to list the articles that passed the respective validation and will issue a report to the Editorial Board to make the respective selection under the following aspects: current affairs, research line, subject matter or other aspects that allow to give an order or importance to the publication.

The final list will be sent by the Higher Polytechnic University Council through a report to obtain the respective resolution.

3.4 Writing layout

The writings that appear in the resolution of the Higher Polytechnic University Council will go to the production stage where they will be diagrammed, uploaded to the OJS System of the institution and the obtaining of the DOI code.

3.5 Dissemination of writings

Once the entire process has been completed, the writings can be viewed through the OJS System (Digital Magazines) and will be disseminated through the different electronic channels that the institution has.

3.6 Withdrawal of writings

When the author of a writing presented to the SATHIRI Journal wishes to withdraw it, he must present an official letter justifying his decision; Said communication will be sent to the Editorial Board for its respective analysis and the decision taken will be communicated to the sender.

If the application is accepted, the journal will send the respective notification attaching the submitted writing and does not undertake to deliver the validation documents generated so far and the total content of the same will be notified of the elimination in the database for the purpose of not make use of that information.


4.1.- The decisions issued by the validators, Editorial Board, Editorial Committee and Publications Commission of the SATHIRI Journal are final.

4.2. - As a journal policy, it is not possible to repeat a publication by the same author in the next issue, despite having passed the corresponding filters; in such a way that this article may be taken into account in the subsequent publication; example: 1 – 3 – 5…

4.3. - The publication of the approved writings and whose affiliation belong to the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi will have no cost. The documents that do not have this affiliation will make the respective payment before the Pública UPEC Creativa EP Company.

4.4. -  The articles published in the SATHIRI: Sembrador Journal will be supervised and regulated under the CODE OF ETHICS of the Carchi State Polytechnic University in the pertinent aspects of academic ethics.

4.5. - Anything not provided for in these regulations will be resolved by the Director of the Journal.

Work made by:

MSc. Jairo Ricardo Chávez Rosero

Ing. Sandra Elizabeth Pozo Champutíz

MSc. Johana Milena  Morillo Cortez

Submission Preparation Checklist

Todos los envíos deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos.

  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y biliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.
  • Nueva opción para comprobar en los requisitos para autores.
  • El archivo de envío está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word.
  • El texto tiene interlineado sencillo; 12 puntos de tamaño de fuente; se utiliza cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se encuentran colocadas en los lugares del texto apropiados, en vez de al final.


Privacy Statement


The Politécnica Estatal del Carchi University (UPEC) is committed to maintaining the confidentiality policies, described below, in order to protect the privacy of the personal information of its users, obtained through its online services. The Privacy Policies that are detailed below may have future changes, for which we will use all possible communication channels to let our users know.

Type of information obtained

All the information obtained from the user when using the services we offer through our website, subscription forms, user registrations or any promotion that is or has been available to our users is under the rules of confidentiality and/or privacy.

Purpose that will be given to information

The personal data contained in the confidential information is used to provide the user with a service according to their needs, where appropriate, selective academic information about the publications offered by the Politécnica Estatal del Carchi University and that may be of interest to you.

Confidentiality of information

The Politécnica Estatal del Carchi University will not share confidential information with any authority, company, organization or person other tan us and will be used for purely academic purposes unless expressly authorized by the people who obtained the information or when it has been required by court order, in accordance with the regulations in force in Ecuador or to protect the intellectual property right or other rights of the university institution. UPEC does not sell or rent user information by any means. 

Users have the right at all times to know what personal data we have about you, what we use them for and the conditions of use that we give them (Access).  Likewise, it is your right to request the correction of your personal information in case it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); similarly, you have the right to have your information removed from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used properly (Cancellation); as well as to oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights.

For the exercise of any of the rights described, the respective request must be submitted through the following email:

As explained above, you understand and agree that this confidentially policy does not apply to information that the user voluntarily provides when communicating with other through electronic correspondence, chats, newsgroups or other similar activities. It is responsibility of the user to be cautious on the type of information given when participating in these public activities. The Politécnica Estatal del Carchi University is not responsible for the privacy or data collection policies of third party providers of services and products or how those third party providers of services or products use the information you provide

Acceptance of Terms

This confidentiality/privacy statement, which describe the terms and condition of the Politécnica Estatal del Carchi University, constitutes a legally valid agreement and therefore with legal life between the user and UPEC. In this way, if the user uses this service, it mean that he has read, understood, accepted and consequently agrees with the terms set forth above.