Identification of strategies for the promotion for the economy of Urbina parish, Tulcán canton, province of Carchi in the year 2021




economic strategies, development


The purpose of the present study is to analyze the current situation of the Urbina parish for identify strategies that allows the promotion of the economy, through the study of the variables economic development, well-being - social cohesion, territorial capital, and establish the economic, productive, social, cultural and natural potentialities that the parish has in each one of them. This research was developed under a non-experimental design, of a cross-sectional type with a quantitative approach of descriptive scope, to collect the information, surveys were applied to the population, an interview a representative of the parish and of an association, the processing of the information was carried out through SPSS and Excel, the results were presented through figures and contingency tables. Based on the research, agriculture and livestock were detected as the main economic activities of the Urbina parish, where milk and potatoes are the main products, despite the fact that there is a great production and quality, these sectors are stagnant due to the scarcity of resources. available. and the ignorance of industrialization and entrepreneurship. Based on the research, agriculture and livestock were detected as the main economic activities of the Urbina parish, where milk and potatoes are the main products, despite the fact that there is a high production and quality, these sectors are stagnant due to the scarcity of resources available and ignorance of industrialization and entrepreneurship. In addition, Urbina has an important potential of tangible and intangible resources, however, some of them tend to disappear due to the lack of empowerment and lack of interest from neighbors and authorities. Finally, it was identified that the residents of the parish are knowledgeable about the unique tradition and typical dishes that are shown during the festivities, forming part of the tourist attraction and experience, but there is no adequate infrastructure for their commercialization.


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How to Cite

Identification of strategies for the promotion for the economy of Urbina parish, Tulcán canton, province of Carchi in the year 2021. (2022). SATHIRI, 17(1), 45-63.