Flipped classroom in teaching statistics with SPSS software compared to traditional methodology





Flipped classroom, statistics, SPSS software


This study analyzed and compared two distinct approaches in statistics education: the flipped classroom methodology, where students acquire prior knowledge before class and use the SPSS software as the primary tool, in comparison with the traditional teaching methodology. The research aims to contrast these methodologies. To conduct this study, a sample of 29 first-year students from the Unified General Baccalaureate was instructed in a specific skill of Descriptive Statistics using two different approaches: first, the traditional methodology, and then, the flipped classroom methodology along with the SPSS software. Upon completion, a quantitative survey was administered to the students to compare both methodologies and assess their impact on academic performance and critical thinking development. 
This research work provided valuable insights into the effectiveness of both teaching strategies in the context of statistics, to make informed decisions regarding their future application. Among the key findings, it was observed that 78% of students demonstrate a stronger understanding of descriptive statistics when using the SPSS software in the classroom learning environment. Moreover, 93% determined that the use of SPSS in the study of Descriptive Statistics enhances process efficiency, with 93% of respondents perceiving that classes are more dynamic due to the application of the flipped classroom approach. Additionally, the majority of students believe that successful teamwork and active participation in the teaching-learning process were facilitated by the flipped classroom approach. In conclusion, the flipped classroom methodology, supported by technology and the SPSS software, 
enhances students’ critical thinking, improves comprehension, the application of statistical concepts, 
and the development of higher-order mental skills compared to the traditional teaching methodology. 
This analysis will provide a solid foundation for decision-making in the implementation of more effective educational strategies in teaching Descriptive Statistics.


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How to Cite

Flipped classroom in teaching statistics with SPSS software compared to traditional methodology. (2024). SATHIRI, 19(1), 56-69. https://doi.org/10.32645/13906925.1263