
                                                   BOARD AND EDITORIAL COMMITTEE

Functions and duties:

  1. It strengthens the promotion and insertion of articles of an investigative nature that allow the journal to be scientific.
  2. It helps to encourage local, national and international researchers to use and disseminate the works contained in the journal.
  3. Suggest academic guidelines for the journal’s editorial policy.
  4. Participate as validators of papers received for publication or recommend other experts to fulfill this function.
  5. To decide on the appropriateness of publication of the materials received on the basis of the filters carried out by the Publications Committee.
  6. To approve the report proposed by the Academic and Scientific Production and Dissemination Unit for each issue of the journal.
  7. Review and evaluate each published issue.
  8. Collaborate with the corresponding bodies to maintain the established periodicity for publications.
  9. Meet regularly to discuss issues related to the journal’s scientific development.
  10. Provide help to improve the indexing of the journal in other databases.