
  • Sathiri: Sembrador
    Vol. 19 No. 2 (2024)

    Es muy grato presentarles el volumen 2 del número 19 de nuestra revista Sathiri, en el que entregamos una serie de artículos que abordan temas relevantes para el desarrollo de la sociedad. Todos los artículos ofrecen una alternativa de solución a problemas de índole social, educativa, económica, tecnológica y política, proponiendo alternativas que se fundamentan en la sostenibilidad.

  • Sathiri: Sembrador
    Vol. 19 No. 1 (2024)

    Es un placer presentar el número 1 del volumen 19 de nuestra revista Sathiri, dedicado a la investigación y avances  en diversas disciplinas. En este número, destacamos  contribuciones significativas que abordan temas relevantes en  el ámbito académico, por lo cual invitamos a nuestros lectores a  revisar esta interesante edición.
    Se han organizado estos artículos en tres secciones  temáticas para ofrecer una experiencia de lectura enriquecedora y  diversa: Ciencias sociales y económicas, Educación y humanidades  y, finalmente, Información, Comunicación e Ingeniería  En este proceso editorial, agradecemos a los autores por su contribución y dedicación con sus trabajos, así como a los revisores por su rigurosa evaluación. Nuestra revista busca fomentar el diálogo y la difusión del conocimiento, y cada artículo publicado representa un paso importante en esa dirección, promoviendo siempre el avance del conocimiento

  • Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador Vol. 18, N° 2 (Julio - diciembre)
    Vol. 18 No. 2 (2023)

    Nos complace presentar el segundo volumen del número 18 de la revista Sathiri, la cual se mantiene comprometida en servir como plataforma para la producción y difusión del conocimiento científico a nivel nacional e internacional.
    En esta edición, exploramos diversas perspectivas que surgen de problemáticas contemporáneas, con la intención no solo de informar a nuestros lectores, sino también de invitarlos a reflexionar y encontrar posibles soluciones.

  • Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador Vol. 18, N° 1 (Enero - junio)
    Vol. 18 No. 1 (2023)

    Presentamos el número 18, volumen 1, de la revista Sathiri, que mantiene su firme propósito de ser un medio de producción y difusión del conocimiento científico con la comunidad nacional e internacional. En este número se exponen una diversidad de aristas que surgen de problemáticas de la actualidad, buscando no solo informar a los lectores sino también proponerles una reflexión en busca de soluciones.

    Este volumen de nuestra revista está conformado por quince artículos seleccionados, evaluados y aprobados. Estos artículos se encuentran distribuidos en cinco secciones: Ciencias sociales y económicas, Educación y humanidades, Estado, Gobierno y administración pública, e Ingeniería, ecología, agropecuaria y turismo.

  • Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador Vol. 17, N° 2 (Julio - diciembre)
    Vol. 17 No. 2 (2022)

    La revista Sathiri, como un medio de difusión del conocimiento científico, comparte con la comunidad nacional e internacional su volumen 17 número 2, en donde se presentan doce artículos con temas de actualidad que fueron revisados rigurosamente por expertos validadores, quienes, con sus conocimientos y experiencia, fortalecen la calidad de la revista.

  • Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador Vol. 17, N° 1 (Enero - junio)
    Vol. 17 No. 1 (2022)

    Sathiri, en su constante afán de contribuir al desarrollo de la ciencia y divulgación de conocimientos como resultado de la investigación, inicia el año 2022 con su Vol. 17 No. 1, impulsando intensamente la ciencia y fomentando varias áreas científicas, con la entrega de veinticuatro artículos con temas de actualidad y de relevancia para las comunidad académica y sociedad en general.

  • Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador Vol. 16, N° 2 (Julio - diciembre)
    Vol. 16 No. 2 (2021)

    La presente entrega de la revista Sathiri está vinculada con el lema de la Politécnica del Carchi “Educamos para transformar el mundo”, transformación que empieza en la academia, precisamente partiendo desde la función sustantiva de la investigación como un factor clave para fomentar el conocimiento y la ciencia. Es así que Sathiri, en su número 16 volumen 2, contempla diez artículos distribuidos en las  áreas de Educación, Estado, Gobierno y Administración Pública, Ciencias Sociales y Económicas, Agropecuaria, Ingeniería y Salud, estos artículos son el resultado del rigor y profundidad de las investigaciones realizadas por los autores, con temas que corresponden a la realidad de la sociedad.

  • Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador Vol. 16, N° 1 (Enero - Junio)
    Vol. 16 No. 1 (2021)

    SATHIRI volume 16, number 1 - period January – june 2021. Semiannual magazine of the Politécnica Estatal del Carchi University that aims to disseminate the research results of the institution as well as other national and international universities. UPEC's research areas are: Foreign Trade and Customs; Logistics and Transportation Management; Commercial Negotiation and Marketing; Business Development and Innovation; Public administration; Promotion and Development of Tourist Heritage; Development of Agricultural and Agro industrial Production; Management and Conservation of Natural Resources; Foods; Computer's science; Integral Health; Education; and Border Problems. It is also multidisciplinary and involves all results and advancement of human knowledge under the formats of scientific papers, reflective and speculative articles, states art or research advances whose ideas are expressed exclusively under the responsibility of the authors. Articles can only be reproduced citing the source.

  • Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador Vol. 15, N° 2 (Julio - Diciembre)
    Vol. 15 No. 2 (2020)

    SATHIRI volume 15, number 2 - period July – december 2020. Semiannual magazine of the Politécnica Estatal del Carchi University that aims to disseminate the research results of the institution as well as other national and international universities. UPEC's research areas are: Foreign Trade and Customs; Logistics and Transportation Management; Commercial Negotiation and Marketing; Business Development and Innovation; Public administration; Promotion and Development of Tourist Heritage; Development of Agricultural and Agro industrial Production; Management and Conservation of Natural Resources; Foods; Computer's science; Integral Health; Education; and Border Problems. It is also multidisciplinary and involves all results and advancement of human knowledge under the formats of scientific papers, reflective and speculative articles, states art or research advances whose ideas are expressed exclusively under the responsibility of the authors. Articles can only be reproduced citing the source.

  • Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador Vol. 15, N° 1 (Enero - Junio)
    Vol. 15 No. 1 (2020)

    SATHIRI volume 15, number 1 - period January – June 2020. Semiannual magazine of the Politécnica Estatal del Carchi University that aims to disseminate the research results of the institution as well as other national and international universities. UPEC's research areas are: Foreign Trade and Customs; Logistics and Transportation Management; Commercial Negotiation and Marketing; Business Development and Innovation; Public administration; Promotion and Development of Tourist Heritage; Development of Agricultural and Agro industrial Production; Management and Conservation of Natural Resources; Foods; Computer's science; Integral Health; Education; and Border Problems. It is also multidisciplinary and involves all results and advancement of human knowledge under the formats of scientific papers, reflective and speculative articles, states art or research advances whose ideas are expressed exclusively under the responsibility of the authors. Articles can only be reproduced citing the source.

  • SATHIRI Magazine: Sower Vol. 14, N.° 2
    Vol. 14 No. 2 (2019)

    Volume 14, number 2- period July - December 2019 of the journal SATHIRI: Sower, meets its semiannual periodicity under the objective of disseminating the research results of the institution and other national and international universities. His multidisciplinarity allows it to present on this occasion academic works related to the current context of the Ecuadorian-Colombian border and other geographical areas based on the dynamics of trade, labor fluctuation, the quality of public and social services as a dynamic part of aspects of the economic area. Innovation and proposals for new educational strategies, encourage interest in the publication of educational issues, government policies and aspects related to preventive and informative health that lead to knowledge of agriculture, tourism and its socio-economic context. In this way, you will be able to find results and advances of human knowledge under the formats of research texts and whose ideas are expressed under the sole responsibility of the researchers.

  • SATHIRI: Sembrador

    Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador Vol. 14, N.° 1 (Enero - Julio)
    Vol. 14 No. 1 (2019)

    SATHIRI volume 14, number 1- period January - June 2019. Semiannual journal of the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi that aims to disseminate the results of research of the institution, as well as other national and international universities. UPEC’s research areas are: Foreign Trade and Customs; Logistics and Transport Management; Commercial Negotiation and Marketing; Business Development and Innovation; Public Administration; Promotion and Development of Tourist Heritage; Development of Agricultural and Agro-industrial Production; Management and Conservation of Natural Resources; Food; Computer Science; Integral Health; Education; Border Problems. In addition, it is Multidisciplinary and implies all results and advances of human knowledge under the formats of scientific articles, reflective and speculative articles, state of the art or research advances whose ideas are expressed under the exclusive responsibility of the authors.

  • Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador Vol. 13, N° 2 (Julio - Diciembre)
    Vol. 13 No. 2 (2018)

    SATHIRI volume 13, number 2- period July - December 2018.  On this occasion it presents articles related to the national and international context, all of them are the result of research carried out at the level of the areas of Education and Humanities, Economic Sciences, Public Administration and Government, topics related to Agricultural Engineering, Computer Science and Architecture. All framed within the parameters of validation and scientificity.

  • SATHIRI: Sembrador Vol. 13 N.°1 (Enero - Junio)
    Vol. 13 No. 1 (2018)

    Vol. 13 No. 1 (2018)

    This number covers topics related to Education and Humanities. Social and Economic Sciences. State, Government and Public Administration. Communication, Information and Engineering. Natural Sciences, Ecology, Agriculture and Tourism. Finally, you can find the publication regulations in our Journal. 

  • SATHIRI: Sembrador Vol 12:2

    SATHIRI: Sembrador Vol. 12 N.°2 (Julio - Diciembre)
    Vol. 12 No. 2 (2017)

    SATHIRI volume 12, number 2 – period July - December 2017. Semiannual journal of the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi that aims to disseminate the results of research of the institution, as well as other national and international universities. UPEC’s research areas are: Foreign Trade and Customs; Logistics and Transport Management; Commercial Negotiation and Marketing; Business Development and Innovation; Public Administration; Promotion and Development of Tourist Heritage; Development of Agricultural and Agro-industrial Production; Management and Conservation of Natural Resources; Food; Computer Science; Integral Health; Education; Border Problems. In addition, it is Multidisciplinary and implies all results and advances of human knowledge under the formats of scientific articles, reflective and speculative articles, state of the art or research advances whose ideas are expressed under the exclusive responsibility of the authors.


    SATHIRI:SEMBRADOR Vol. 12 N.°1 (Enero - Junio)
    Vol. 12 No. 1 (2017)

    SATHIRI volume 12, number 1- period January - June 2017.  Semiannual journal of the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi that aims to disseminate the results of research of the institution, as well as other national and international universities. UPEC’s research areas are: Foreign Trade and Customs; Logistics and Transport Management; Commercial Negotiation and Marketing; Business Development and Innovation; Public Administration; Promotion and Development of Tourist Heritage; Development of Agricultural and Agro-industrial Production; Management and Conservation of Natural Resources; Food; Computer Science; Integral Health; Education; Border Problems. In addition, it is Multidisciplinary and implies all results and advances of human knowledge under the formats of scientific articles, reflective and speculative articles, state of the art or research advances whose ideas are expressed under the exclusive responsibility of the authors. Articles can only be replicated citing the source.


    SATHIRI:SEMBRADOR N.°11 (Julio - Diciembre)
    No. 11 (2016)

    SATHIRI * number 11* July – December 2016. Semiannual journal of the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi that aims to disseminate the results of research of the institution, as well as other national and international universities. UPEC’s research areas are: Foreign Trade and Customs; Logistics and Transport Management; Commercial Negotiation and Marketing; Business Development and Innovation; Public Administration; Promotion and Development of Tourist Heritage; Development of Agricultural and Agro-industrial Production; Management and Conservation of Natural Resources; Food; Computer Science; Integral Health; Education; Border Problems. In addition, it is Multidisciplinary and implies all results and advances of human knowledge under the formats of scientific articles, reflective and speculative articles, state of the art or research advances whose ideas are expressed under the exclusive responsibility of the authors. Articles can only be replicated citing the source.

  • SATHIRI: Sembrador N° 11

    SATHIRI: Sembrador N.°10 (Enero - Junio)
    No. 10 (2016)

    SATHIRI number 10 January – June 2016. Semiannual journal of the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi that aims to disseminate the results of research of the institution, as well as other national and international universities. UPEC’s research areas are: Foreign Trade and Customs; Logistics and Transport Management; Commercial Negotiation and Marketing; Business Development and Innovation; Public Administration; Promotion and Development of Tourist Heritage; Development of Agricultural and Agro-industrial Production; Management and Conservation of Natural Resources; Food; Computer Science; Integral Health; Education; Border Problems. In addition, it is Multidisciplinary and implies all results and advances of human knowledge under the formats of scientific articles, reflective and speculative articles, state of the art or research advances whose ideas are expressed under the exclusive responsibility of the authors. Articles can only be replicated citing the source.

  • Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador No. 9 (Julio - Diciembre)
    No. 9 (2015)

    SATHIRI publishes the results of research funded and conducted by the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi. As well as the results of national and international research, research advances, scientific articles, reflective and speculative articles under the responsibility of their authors.

  • Revista SATHIRI: Sembrador No. 8 (Enero - Junio)
    No. 8 (2015)

    SATHIRI publishes the results of research funded and conducted by the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi. As well as the results of national and international research, research advances, scientific articles, reflective and speculative articles under the responsibility of their authors.

  • SATHIRI: Sembrador N.°7 (Julio - Diciembre)
    No. 7 (2014)

    SATHIRI publishes the results of research funded and conducted by the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi. As well as the results of national and international research, research advances, scientific articles, reflective and speculative articles under the responsibility of their authors.

  • SATHIRI: Sembrador N.°6 (Enero - Junio)
    No. 6 (2014)

    Its objective is to disseminate the results of research from the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi, as well as other national and international universities. The UPEC research areas are: Foreign Trade, Customs and Logistics; Commercial Negotiation and Marketing; Business Development and Innovation; Promotion and Development of the Tourist Heritage; Development of Agricultural and Agro-industrial Production; Management and Conservation of Natural Resources; Integral Health; Education; Border Problems. In addition, it is Multidisciplinary and implies all results and advancement of human knowledge. This publication is aimed at an audience in specialized and semi-specialized academic training.

  • SATHIRI: Sembrador N.°5 (Julio - Diciembre)
    No. 5 (2013)

    SATHIRI publishes the results of research funded and conducted by the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi. As well as, results of national and international research, research advances, and scientific articles, reflective and speculative articles under the responsibility of their authors.

  • SATHIRI: Sembrador N.°4 (Enero - Junio)
    No. 4 (2013)

    Scientific dissemination journal of the Center for Research, Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship (CITTE) of the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi. Publicizes the results of research financed and carried out by UPEC; as well as internal and external research results, scientific, reflective and speculative articles under the responsibility of their authors.

  • SATHIRI: Sembrador N° 3

    SATHIRI: Sembrador N.°3 (Julio - Diciembre)
    No. 3 (2012)

    Scientific dissemination journal of the Center for Research, Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship (CITTE) of the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi. Publicizes the results of research financed and carried out by UPEC; as well as internal and external research results, scientific, reflective and speculative articles under the responsibility of their authors.

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