Open access policies

1. Open Social Policy

The journal Sathiri: Sembrador is an open-access journal, totally free for readers and authors, that favors and allows the reuse and self-archiving of articles in databases, repositories, directories and international information systems. Sathiri does not charge for publishing, that is, there is no fee or payment from the authors and access to its content is totally free. In this sense the magazine is licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The journal is published in digital version (e-ISSN: 2631 - 2905), in Spanish and English, identifying each article with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier System)
When it is published through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform, the transparency of its processes and the gratuity of its contributions are guaranteed. Its contents are uploaded on a web platform where you can access them permanently, directly and free.

2. Copyright

The authors retain their copyright and guarantee Revista Sathiri: Sembrador the right to the first publication of the work, under their policies.

Sathiri Magazine: Sembrador publishes its content under a  licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) . That is, the author maintains the moral and intellectual rights of his work, authorizing the publisher of the magazine Sathiri the dissemination and dissemination of its content for strictly academic and research purposes, not for profit. Likewise, it is authorized that the work be downloaded and shared with other people, provided that it is not altered and its authorization is recognized.
The authors know and accept that Revista Sathiri: Sembrador will try to give his published work the widest possible dissemination, according to its Post-Publication Policy.

Authors may separately adopt other non-exclusive license agreements for the distribution of the published version of the work, thus being able to publish it or reproduce it in other ways, provided that the initial publication is recognized in the Revista Sathiri: Sembrador.

Revista Sathiri, allows free access to all the documents presented in this electronic journal, in addition the authors/s retain the copyrights and the full publication rights without restrictions.

This work is licensed under a  licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional

3. Open Access Policy
The magazine Sathiri: Sembrador is an open access magazine.
Self-archiving conditions: authors may reuse published works, i.e., post-print archived works (or the final version after peer review or the PDF version of the publisher), for non-commercial purposes, including deposits with institutions, thematic repositories or personal websites.

4. The Rights of Readers

Readers have the right to read all our articles free of charge once published.  This journal does not have any financial charge for the publication or for access to the material.

5. Automatic publication

The articles of the journal Sathiri: Sembrador are available in trustworthy third-party repositories (Latindex, institutional repositories...) immediately after publication.

6. Archive

This journal uses different national and international repositories that house publications: Latindex and REDIB. The digital archives of the institutional repository of the Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi.

7. Legibility in machines 

Full text, metadata and citations of articles can be tracked and accessed with permission. Our open social policy also enables the readability of files and their metadata, facilitating interoperability under the OAI-PMH protocol of open data and open source. Complete publication files and articles are available in HTML, PDF and E-Pub open formats.

8. Pre-Publication Policy

The Revista Sathiri: Sembrador admits to its Editorial Process works that constitute theses stored in institutional repositories and works that have been presented in conference proceedings, without constituting a breach of originality. It also allows and encourages authors to disseminate their pre-edition works before sending and during the Editorial Process. This can lead to productive academic exchanges, as well as greater and earlier citation of papers.

9. Post-Publication Policy

With the aim of giving the greatest possible diffusion to the published work of the authors, Revista Sathiri: Sembrador reserves the right to produce copies of the printed version for use in other areas other than cyberspace. The electronic version will be disseminated on its website, as well as in various public databases; scientific indexes; and, academic, scientific and social networks. With the publication, the authors receive the corresponding certificate that certifies having published with the Journal and a CD is attached with the electronic journal. This material is delivered to the address reported by the author.
Authors are encouraged to disseminate the published version of their work on the Internet in parallel, for example on institutional or personal websites, to enhance the benefits of Free Access.

10. Intellectual Property Protection Policy

The magazine Sathiri: Sembrador applies the principles of academic honesty under the reception of certified works as original and unpublished. Does not support, review, edit or publish works with research copied, invented or manipulated. The validation process begins in the work through the plagiarism prevention system Turnitin® Plagiarism Checker,  with a maximum admission of 12%. Plagiarism within the international regulations is considered as a serious fault and if it exists will be returned immediately the work to the author with the respective information.

11. Digital Preservation Policy

The magazine Sathiri: Sembrador preserves all its contents through different tools. It uses the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS Systems, incorporated in the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform, for the creation of permanent archives promoting the preservation and digital restoration of their contents.   The data belonging to this journal is stored on the UPEC servers.