Producers fairs for the diversification of the tourist offer in the province of Imbabura


  • Ernesto Washington Morocho Núñez Director de Vinculación del Instituto Tecnológico Superior José Chiriboga Grijalba
  • Lourdes Linda Chamorro Zapata Docente de la Universidad Técnica del Norte
  • Manuel Armando Chamorro Rosero Investigador Independiente
  • Jesús Ernesto Ortega González Docente de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede Ibarra
  • Diego Ramiro Borja Chalacán Docente en el Instituto Superior Tecnológico José Chiriboga Grijalva
  • Yomaira Paola Enríquez Ruíz Docente en el Instituto Superior Tecnológico José Chiriboga Grijalva



Alternative marketing circuits, agro ecological, organic, semi-organic, ancestral, security, sovereignty


The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock as a public sector body, in its capacity as technical production advisor, has promoted the commercialization of agro ecological products through the Alternative Marketing Circuits of small producers where Several products are sold that come from the different altitude levels, highlighting its institutional need to promote this project, since it constitutes the economic support of one hundred and fifty thousand families in the province of Imbabura, mainly from its rural parishes. A qualitative and quantitative study was carried out, supported by the deductive method, the purpose of which is to analyze producer fairs as a tourist attraction to diversify the tourist offer of the province of Imbabura. An operational technical sheet (observation) was applied to the producers of the agro-ecological fairs in Imbabura. It was possible to show that the nine fairs have a great supply potential of organic and semi-organic products from the Alternative Marketing Circuits of the province of Imbabura, their production still ancestral, maintained from generation to generation, occupied in filling the basic basket family with products that allow to cover the security and food sovereignty of the families.


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How to Cite

Producers fairs for the diversification of the tourist offer in the province of Imbabura. (2022). Tierra Infinita, 8(1), 30-61.