The development of gross motor skills in student from 4 to 5 years of the Alajuela educational Unit




preschool children, motor ability, gross motor skills


During the early years, the development of gross motor skills is one of the leading indicators of neurological maturation in preschool children. After the Covid 19 pandemic that forced the performance of educational actions at home, the return to face-to-face sessions has revealed some deficits in skill achievement. This research aimed to determine the level of gross motor development of children aged 4 to 5 years from the Alajuela School, located in a rural area of Portoviejo. A quantitative approach was used, with a descriptive scope with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. All the children in the preschool section, consisting of 30 infants, were taken. An evaluation scale was applied following the methodological orientations according to the age subscribed in the initial education curriculum. The main results show that, although the virtual guided teaching activities were discontinuous, the children show a level of gross motor development acceptable for their age. However, actions are suggested to strengthen these skills in the group, especially in children who most need them


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How to Cite

The development of gross motor skills in student from 4 to 5 years of the Alajuela educational Unit. (2022). Tierra Infinita, 8(1), 255-265.