Children's literature and its essential link to reading and writing




children's literature, digital gamification, systematic review, reading and writing


Given the relevance of children's literature, largely underestimated, the aim of this article is to analyze children's literature and its essential link with literacy in children aged 3 to 8 years. A qualitative systematic review of observational studies was carried out in the Web of Science and Scopus databases considered reliable in the field of scientific research, a total of 625 articles were identified, from which 37 articles were selected and analyzed based on the inclusion criteria. The results highlight the relevance of children's literature in reading and writing due to its potential to captivate children's imagination and interest, laying the foundations for a lasting engagement with written language. The findings reveal that the integration of varied literary genres and innovative approaches, such as digital storytelling, enriches children's experience, adapting it to a constantly evolving technological world.


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How to Cite

Children’s literature and its essential link to reading and writing. (2023). Tierra Infinita, 9(1), 80-98.