Linking the academy in rural tourism




Rural tourism, sustainable development, rural parishes, social responsibility, CONAGOPARE Pichincha


The Metropolitan District of Quito’s rural parishes, do not have an exclusive budget for the tourism area, in this context the Higher Institute of Tourism and Heritage Yavirac, generates the letter of intent addressed to the inter-institutional agreement with the National Council of Governments Parochial of Pichincha CONAGOPARE Pichincha, which allowed our graduate students the development of their degree projects, focused on the tourism development of the parishes, as well as the formation of leaders aware of the problems and needs of society, capable of including in its management, principles of social responsibility and sustainable development. Consequently, the career of Tourist Guidance, aimed to train people committed to society, and generate projects that demonstrate the transfer of knowledge acquired in the classroom.
Among the rural parishes that benefit from the First Cohort are: Pintag, Alangasí,
Guangopolo, Conocoto, Yaruquí, Amaguaña, San Antonio de Pichincha, Lloa. With this background, each of the students could apply different research methodologies and techniques, which allowed them to achieve the objectives set by those involved.
Tourism projects were determined as a result for the benefit of each of the parishes involved in the DMQ.



How to Cite

Linking the academy in rural tourism. (2019). Tierra Infinita, 5(1), 67-74.